2023 Action Agenda

Areas of work moving forward: Fall 2023

 2023 City Council candidates 

  • Send Questionnaires on updating the Tree Ordinance to City Council candidates. 

  • Raise money and organize to elect new tree friendly candidates to the  open City Council seats and other seats. 

  • Send urban forestry news and information to candidates. 

  • Attend candidate forums. 

  • Ask candidates questions via e-mail, phone calls and other personal contact. 

  • Assist and donate to candidates who support fixing the ordinance. 

One Seattle Comprehensive Plan update: 

  • Monitor and respond to the draft Environmental Impact Statement to be released in September on the upcoming 2025 Comprehensive Plan. 

  • Maintain 30% city wide tree canopy goal by 2037 by developing a plan to reach it. 

  • Prioritize retention of existing tree canopy, particularly mature trees, and planting new trees in low canopy areas for environmental equity and climate resilience 

 Ordinance Update: 

  •  Draft language for proposed amendments to close development loopholes to save trees 
  • Do an independent evaluation of the Tree Ordinance by an outside consulting firm.  

  • Support Beacon Hill Study Group proposal for amendments to ordinance with UFC, Green New Deal and public input 

  • Urge creation of a new Department of Climate and Environment with an Urban Forestry Division. 

 Other Actions:  

  •  Advocate for a Natural Capital Assessment of Seattle’s natural resources. 
  • Appeal the Updated Tree Ordinance to the Growth Management Hearings Board as not in compliance with Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan goal to reach 30% tree canopy by 2037. 

  • Support adding One Seattle Tree Fund and 4 tree related positions to next year’s Seattle budget.

  • Multi-county zoom meeting of local Tree Organizations in late Sept to discuss mutual concerns regarding Tree Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Updates.