Bellevue Group – – online petition!

It’s great to see more tree advocacy groups springing up around the Puget Sound! The newest is in Bellevue, which started up a few months ago. Here’s the latest, they are pursuing an online petition – if you have any relatives or friends in Bellevue, please get them to weigh in and sign!

From Trees4Livability:

Environmental advocates in Bellevue are coming together to improve tree protections in our city to help preserve livability, critical habitat, and combat climate change. Trees4Livability is a nonprofit formed by a group of concerned citizens to strengthen Bellevue’s tree codes. The group has a mission to preserve existing tree canopy and ecosystems, as well as institute rules to require replanting and maintenance of trees.

Bellevue has some of the weakest tree codes in the region. They allow developers to remove five Significant trees without a permit and have no special protections for Landmark Trees which take 100 – 150+ years to grow.

Trees4Livability is urging citizens who live, or work in Bellevue to sign their Tree Code Petition  during March to urge City Council members to make changes in 2022! This is a critical time for birds and wildlife in our region. Please sign the petition and spread the word.

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