TreePAC is a Political Action Committee
TreePAC’s primary mission is working to increase protection for trees and urban forests. Our continuing focus is on updating Seattle’s recently passed Tree Ordinance. We are urging the Mayor and the Seattle City Council to amend the Tree Protection Ordinance to maximize the retention of our existing trees during development and require a Tree Inventory and Tree Plan be required by developers before they can get a building permit.. We need trees where people live for healthy communities.
We are part of a broader effort working with other groups both locally and statewide to increase public support and policies to protect our trees and urban forests. In the 2021 Washington State Legislative session we spearheaded citizen support for the successful passage of E2SHB 1216 to increase protections for urban and community forests.
In 2022 we supported HB 1099 to add climate resiliency to the Growth Management Act and supported HB 1981 to protect trees when adding more housing density.
In 2023 we worked in the state Legislature to not override local tree and urban ordinances as we increase housing density. We also got “urban and community forests” added to the Land Use element in upcoming comprehensive plans and in climate resiliency legislation.
Our big accomplishment this year was, after 14 years, finally getting a number of strengthening provisions added to Seattle’s Tree Protection Ordinance. Unfortunately weakening amendments supported by the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish County were also added to give builders more ability to remove trees and clearcut lots during development. So our work is not done. We are urging amendments to fix the Tree Protection Ordinance. Clearcutting lots creates unhealthy communities for Seattle residents. We need trees where people live for heath, reducing urban heat islands and climate equity.
We need your help to continue our work. W e can gladly accept your credit card or bank transfer right now, right here, on the form linked below:
If you prefer to send a personal check, Here is a link to a form you can print and mail along with your thoughts and suggestions. For larger donations we recommend checks as the processing costs for credit cards can add up.
We strongly believe in transparency. All donations and expenditures are available to view on the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission.
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