Continuing the Fight to Update Seattle’s Tree Ordinance – Coalition Meeting this Saturday

Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance
Dear TreePAC Supporters 

We ended last year in a stalemate as the Seattle City Council put off action once again on moving ahead with updating Seattle’s Tree Protection Ordinance. They say they will start again after they pass the MHA (Mandatory Housing Affordability) Ordinance in March. We are now into year 10 since the City Council first passed a resolution in 2009 to update the current tree protection ordinance and again are put on the back burner.

We need to step up our  efforts and we will discuss options this Saturday at our next meeting. Unfortunately while the last Seattle City Council draft D7 had some good components, like permits for removing trees and requiring replacement, at the same time it removed protections for exceptional trees, including tree groves, limits on the number of trees that can be removed per year and prohibitions on removing trees over 6 inches DBH on vacant lots.  Please attend our next meeting as we discuss plans for moving forward.

Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance Meeting
Saturday Feb. 2, 2019   10 AM – 12 Noon
Northgate Public Library. 10548 5th Ave NE, Seattle

status of current ordinance
basic provisions that need to be in updated ordinance
status of amendments to MHA ordinance
City Council support
schedule moving forward:
outreach efforts
City Council
City Council Elections
community support
media outreach
next steps

This should keep us busy for our scheduled time. Look forward to seeing you there.

Donations made to TreePAC will be earmarked for this effort. Click here to go to the TreePAC donation page  .
Steve Zemke
Chair – TreePAC and the Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance – a Project of Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest and TreePAC. and

facebook – Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest  and facebook – Tree PAC