This page is an attempt to provide visibility to the various Tree Apps out there, that our supporters might want to test and/or use to further their knowledge of, and ability to PROTECT, local Seattle-area trees. We will post feedback on any or all of them if sent to us (we will keep your name anonymous of course unless you deem otherwise), and go from there – enjoy! Note that we are NOT endorsing any of these either way, just trying to make it easier for people to know what’s out there and have fun!
Need the flyer to hand out onsite? Get it here
Treemama’s iSeaTree:
- A King County app focused on urban tree identification
- Open to all ages and skill levels
- Game-play strategies and community-based learning
- Make and share your own personal tree map
- Discuss trees and ask questions on the forum
TreeTalk – London trees specifically
The City of Seattle Tree Walk App (updated April 2020) –
- Explore trees across Seattle’s neighborhoods
- See photos of remarkable trees
- Discover what Seattle’s trees do to create a healthy environment
- Learn tree identification skills
i-Tree – USDA (free) desktop/web/device software for assessing urban and local forest trees
i-Tree Eco Mobile Data Collection (MDC)
Trees Pacific NW – Other Pacific NW Trees –More information
USFS PNW Forests – ( Apple IOS click here )
Trees and Health app (Portland State and partners)
Both IOS and Android:
Tree-App: Apple IOS click here; Android click here; about $3 for either one.
PlantSnap – identifies plants and trees – IOS here; Android here. $3 for Apple one, Android seems to be ad-supported.
Trees Count – Texas A&M Forest Service tree inventory app (free) Apple; Android.
IOS (Apple) -only:
Arbor Day Tree Identification Guide: What Tree … ($4.99)
AppCrawlr: search for IOS tree apps (12 shown here)
Tree Identificaion – BaumPortal (site in german)
vTree – Virginia Tech Tree ID (free)