So we have made shirts off and on for the past few years and sold them at tabling events as a TreePAC fundraiser (and to show people you CARE about Seattle Trees!) – despite the current CV19 situation, we still have many examples left and can get them to you for a donation as noted below – We have tried to note our complete inventory below so you know sizes/colors accordingly – just email us for more info/shipping and thanks for looking!
(Donation) prices are $20 incl shipping for tees and similar, $35 incl. shipping for hoodies and sweats. Domestic only – if you are outside the country, please contact us for more info given more expensive shipping.
“TREEPAC” = TreePAC Logo
Current inventory (pics below, #’s avail=1 unless otherwise indicated):
Womens tshirts – SOT
xxl – light green
xl – light green, green v-neck, maroon
S – teal, 2@ light brown
ladies tanks SOT
S- light blue
MENS tank
M- bright green
s- SOT – light green (2)
s- TreePAC – gray henley, tan
m- SOT light green, med green
m- TreePAC grey
L- SOT – green (3), teal (2)
L- TreePAC – green, light green, white. light gray, med gray, yellow heather, light orange, orange
XL TreePAC light blue ringer, red heather
XL SOT green, forest green
SWEATS – Crew neck
s- SST light green
L- SSY brown
XL- TreePAC light blue
SWEATS – Hoody
M- TreePAC Florescent yellow
Bandanas – SOT: 3
Tote bags – TreePAC: 3