Please support following items in the city budget that support protecting trees


Tree PAC urged the Seattle City Council to fund and enact the following item in the 2021. The first 4 items were adopted and the last two unfortunately were not added to the final budget adopted budget.

E-mail sent to Mayor and City Council.

Please support the following items in the city budget that support protecting trees

Tree PAC supports these budget items.

  • SLI – MO-001-A-002 – Requests that the executive recommends strategies for consolidating urban forestry functions
  • CBA – OSE- 002-A-003 – Add $132,000 to OSE for the Green New Deal Advisor Position
  • CBA – OSE-004-A-003 – Add $140,000 to the Climate Advisory Position
  • SLI – SPU-002-A-003 – request SPU to explore an expansion of the Tree Ambassador program

Tree PAC urges you add these 2 items to the budget.

  • CBA – SDCI-002-A-001- Add 1 FTE arborist and 1 FTE Housing and Zoning inspector to SDCI and $275,237 General Fund to fund the positions to improve enforcement of tree regulations
  • CBA –  SDCI-011-A-001 – Provisio $758,563 be withheld from SDCI until they present an updated Tree Protection Ordinance to the Council by the end of Sept 2021

Steve Zemke

Chair – Tree PAC