Outside City Hall – Saving Myers Way

An alliance of open-space activists and environmental-justice advocates win an important victory

By George Howland Jr – Outside City Hall, July 27, 2016

“You can fight city hall and win!

Earlier this month, the Seattle Green Spaces Coalition (Green Spaces) and TreePAC saved the Myers Way Parcels, 33 acres of open space in the middle of neighborhoods with poor air quality, concentrated poverty and a high number of people of color. Myers is bigger than Madrona Park and Beach (31 acres) and much bigger than Gas Works Park (19 acres).

In order to preserve Myers, the activists had to persuade Mayor Ed Murray to change course. He planned to sell the property to raise $5 million for homeless services. Now he will preserve Myers and find the money to fight homelessness elsewhere.

How did they do it?”

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